Concert Attire
Checkout Sheet
Student ____________________
I acknowledge receipt of the listed attire and agree to be responsible for keeping it clean and protected. I understand that payment for loss or damage at the current rate for repair or replacement will be made, if necessary.
SIGNED _______________________________
Local Address _________________________________ Phone ______________
Home Address _________________________________ Phone ______________
ITEM Number Date issued By Date returned By
Robe ___________________________________________________________
Jacket ___________________________________________________________
Trousers ___________________________________________________________
Other ___________________________________________________________
1.The signing-out or checking-in of any uniforms IS VALID only when done so in person and a signature of the authorized person is secured.
2. When a member withdraws from an ensemble, concert attire items are due within 24 HOURS.
3. All items are due three days following the last concert use or the last Wednesday of regular classes - whichever occurs first.